Looking back on our
50TH season 2017-2018
Dona Nobis Pacem
Concert One
Dona nobis pacem, (English: Grant us peace), Vaughan Williams produced his plea for peace by referring to recent wars during the growing fears of a new one. His texts were taken from the Mass, three poems by Walt Whitman, a political speech, and sections of the Bible.
October 21, 2017 St James, Orillia
Concert Two
The Christmas Oratorio was conceived as a set of six cantatas. Unlike the Passion settings and the oratorios of Bach's exact contemporary Handel, the six parts of his Christmas Oratorio were performed on separate days.
Christmas Oratorio -Cantatas 2,4, and 5
December 16 2017 at 7:30 - St. Paul's Centre, Orillia
With Extra-Special Guest: YOU!
Start a new holiday tradition by singing along with The Cellar Singers this all-time classic. Your friends and family will love this very special event.
Bring your own music or music will be available at the door. $20 Adults;
$10 Students. NOTE: This event is not part of your subscription package.
December 22, 2017 Bracebridge United Church
Concert Three
Lux aeterna was greeted by The Times after its London premiere thus: ‘a classic of new American choral writing … in this light-filled continuum of sacred texts, old world structures and new world spirit intertwine in a cunningly written score, at once sensuous and spare’.
March 4, 2018 at 4:00 Eglinton St. George's Toronto
Tickets available through the church. www.esgunited.org
March 10, 2018 at 7:30 - St. Paul's Centre Orillia
Concert Four
This large-scale work, a missa solemnis, is scored for two soprano soloists, a tenor and a bass, double chorus and large orchestra. It remained unfinished, missing large portions of the Credo and the complete Agnus Dei.
May 12, 2018 at 7:30 - St James, Orillia
The Hampton Avenue 4 after rehearsing with us in September 2014